Hey everyone! It is Briana here and today I just was looking at funny fake hackers.. Like its so funny so i thought I should share them with you! IM GONNA EXPOSE DEM HACKERS ;D So lets look at this first one... but btw i do not own any of these images! If you are one of these accounts that i expose i am sorry! Just to let you know moviestarplanet said it is impossible to hack, either you gave your personal info away, your password was guessed because its to easy or if someone trys to give you vip or anything like that. so if you get hacked either your password was to easy or you gave your info away or it was a long time ago when they had charles still working on moviestarplanet. lets look at the first fake hacekr C:
XD wait lol this one says hello child... SHE IS STALKING HER IF SHE KNOWS THAT SHE IS A CHILD OR SOMETHING XD "i dont care if you record me" IT'S DON'T and you want her to record you so you can become a famous hacker lol "i dont care if you record me ###### but" waitt wait wait..... BUT LETS PLAY A GAME XDDD OMG LMAO SHE JUST IS TRYING TO SAY YOU CAN RECORD ME BUT TIME TO MAKE YOU THINK IM A REAL HACKER.......................................................................................................... XDDDDDD OKAY OKAY YEAHAHAHHAHA XD ok so lets go to the next one
hahhahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahhahahahahshahaahahhahahahahAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHhahahAHAHhashahhHhAHHAhahHA (d) who was first? (d)
B,.????????? why a , and a . ? no that is not the correct answer cuz , and . dont go together... MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH ok?? IMA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A THAT IS A LOT OF A'S!!!!!!!!!!!!! HACKER ISHA IS NEXT! wait what does that mean?? lol shes laughing but im laughing at her grammar.. xD and also the msp grim reaper!!! she had to put so much effort try to get things to work just to get that name
Okay well anyways thats it for this blog xD and remember you can only get hacked if you have a super simple password or you gave it out to someone! see you later :)
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