About Me

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I am Briana and I am Alicia and together we are Brilicia Alana! We do moviestarplanet, youtube, roblox and other social medias/games. We have blog that we hope you love! We talk about MSP, about our lifes, and roblox ;D

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

How To Stay Safe & Not Get Hacked On MSP

Hello!!!! It is Briana and me and Alicia get hacked A LOT but that was in like 2011 2012 2013.. aka the old days and now we barely ever get hacked! Today I will be showing you how to not get hacked on Moviestarplanet!


Okay I know this is like basic information to anything but seriously... Every single day over 100 passwords are being shared! And guess what? 85% of the people who shared them got hacked. If you are wondering what about the other 15% of the 100? Well some people can get the password shared with them but I will show you the people who you can trust and cannot trust with your password...


Okay so if someone asks you for your password say NOOOOOOOOOO!11!!!1! if someone asks you if you want vip and are below level 35 and are not vip say NOOOOOOOOOOO!!1!!!! If they ask you if you want a makeover for your account and have less then 3k subscribers on youtube or have no vip or are lower then level 25 then say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!1!1! well bassically if someone ever asks for your password in any way say NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so you get the point xD but rlly look


Okay do not trust anyone with your password BUT... You can trust the following people with your password....
1. You parents..
2. A youtuber who has gaven 20 or more people makeovers that has 4k or more subscribers.


This one is SUPER SUPER SUPER IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! You need to do this or you can easily loose your account! You might not loose your account from hackers but from forgetting your password or just small things like that. This is also helpful for getting hacked! After you enter it and then if someone hacks you then go on the home screen click forgot password. enter your email and username, go to your email and you will get a email saying reset your password and it lasts 2 hours before it goes away.


If you do not know how to change your email or add your email here  is what to do.

STEP 1...

Okay so log into moviestarplanet

STEP 2...

Go to the top right corner of your screen and click the Settings Button that is in the shape of a tire

STEP 3...

A settings menu will appear.. Click on the button that says Enter Email...

STEP 4...

A screen will appear that says to enter your email or change your email.. Write in your email. If someone elses email is some reason written in then change it to yours or contact msp support.

STEP 5...
Check your email for the confirm email message. If sometime later on, a confirm email message comes up and it is not you email delete that email and do not click confirm.. Other wise you are giving someone else access to your account!


50% of people have their password so simple. For example... abc123, 321abc, password123, omg123, password1, lol123, etc... Make sure it is secure.. To make sure it is not to simple make sure your password is NOT on this list or is not related to a word on this list.
There is also another list with 1000 words. If you wanna see the other list here is the 


Here is how to get a safe password!

STEP 1...

Think of the first letter of your favorite song, Ex) Death Of A Bachelor -By P!ATD- would be D because the song starts with a D.

STEP 2...

Think of the last letter of your favorite TV show, Ex) River Dale would be E because the last letter of the show is an E.

STEP 3...

Think of your initials... The first letter of your first name, the first letter of your middle name, and the first letter of your last name. Ex) If my first name was May than my first letter is M. If my middle name was September then my second letter is S. If my last name was Pops then my third letter would be P. Then my initials would be MSP.

STEP 4...

Think of a person you really care about, rather it is a pet, a family member a good friend, etc. Then take the first three letters of there names. Ex) If i was thinking about Pixi Star, I would add PI as my letters.

STEP 5...

Think of your 3 favorite letters in the alphabet and your 3 favorite numbers and combine them together Ex) If my favorite letters were ABC then my favorite numbers were 123 then i combined them I would have ABC123.

STEP 6...

Put all your letters in the order you picked them out in. My first letter was d. My second letter was e. My third letters were msp. My fourth letter were pi. My fifth letters and numbers were abc123. Combine them all together in order. Ex) demsppiabc123

STEP 7...

Capitalize all of your letters. Ex) DEMSPPIABC123


Convert some of them into numbers.. Go off of the following chart. Ex) D3M5PP148C123


A = 4
B = 8
C = C
D = D
E = 3
F = F
G = 6
H = H
I = 1
J = J
K = K
L = L
M = M
N = N
O = 0
P = P
Q = 9
R = R
S = 5
T = 7
U = U
V = V
W = W
X = X
Y =Y
Z = 2

STEP 9...

Write down your password somewhere safe on a notepad or somewhere you will never loose it.
Ex) D3M5PP148C123


I know everyone says, "CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD EVERY DAY OR YOU MIGHT GET HACKED" But I say that is a bad idea. You might be wondering why... And here is why. There is no point of changing it all the time unless someone knows it.. If you do change it every day then you will have a higher chance of forgetting it and it will probably be a less secure password because you do not have the time to put work into securing it by doing the password making method. Every second of the time you keep your password the same as it always been no body was on your account or knows your password. Everytime you change it there is a small chance of someone guessing it. The only times you should change it if someone has your account password, someone is saying they will hack you, or someone you know that has the same password as you or has a close pass like yours gets hacked......

Thanks for reading my blog and stay safe on MSP ;D

My Youtube

Hello its Briana! If you have not checked out the Brilicia youtube channel yet, you should! :D we have a lot of fun videos you can watch :) here is our channel link and a few videos you might like


Here is a few of our videos that you might be intrested in.. There is many more if you liked these videos you should click the link for more :) I am not the best editor so sorry if some of them do not have the best quality but thanks for checking these out! I try to upload daily. I reply to every single comment if you want to comment <3 :) tysm! ;D

Exposing Fake Hackers

Hey everyone! It is Briana here and today I just was looking at funny fake hackers.. Like its so funny so i thought I should share them with you! IM GONNA EXPOSE DEM HACKERS ;D So lets look at this first one... but btw i do not own any of these images! If you are one of these accounts that i expose i am sorry! Just to let you know moviestarplanet said it is impossible to hack, either you gave your personal info away, your password was guessed because its to easy or if someone trys to give you vip or anything like that. so if you get hacked either your password was to easy or you gave your info away or it was a long time ago when they had charles still working on moviestarplanet. lets look at the first fake hacekr C:XD wait lol this one says hello child... SHE IS STALKING HER IF SHE KNOWS THAT SHE IS A CHILD OR SOMETHING XD "i dont care if you record me" IT'S DON'T and you want her to record you so you can become a famous hacker lol "i dont care if you record me ###### but" waitt wait wait..... BUT LETS PLAY A GAME XDDD OMG LMAO SHE JUST IS TRYING TO SAY YOU CAN RECORD ME BUT TIME TO MAKE YOU THINK IM A REAL HACKER.......................................................................................................... XDDDDDD OKAY OKAY YEAHAHAHHAHA XD ok so lets go to the next one
ok so this one is a deleted user.. xD why did they delete it if they want it to become a "famous hacker" lelelelelellelelelellel and "hello little children" how do you know we are all children? most players are teenagers some are children but 70% are teenagers.. I am a teenager playing MSP not a little child xD ... "Im" IT IS I AM OR I'M XD THIS FAKE PACKER NEED HER GRAMMER CHECKED XXDDDD ok and "Im the new #####  of ### (d)" IF SHE IS A HACKER IS SHOULDNT HAVE TAGS XD LIKE HACKERS HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE IT NO TAGS TO ALL USERS... Here is what i think it says.... Hello little children (d) Im the new anony  of msps (d) Watch out! I will hak you! lolollooloololollo all hackers should have the ability to say the word hack! lolol lets go to the next fake hacker :)
hahhahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahhahahahahshahaahahhahahahahAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHhahahAHAHhashahhHhAHHAhahHA (d) who was first? (d) 
B,.????????? why a , and a . ? no that is not the correct answer cuz , and . dont go together... MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH ok?? IMA A A A A A A A A A A  A A A A A AA A THAT IS A LOT OF A'S!!!!!!!!!!!!! HACKER ISHA IS NEXT! wait what does that mean?? lol shes laughing but im laughing at her grammar.. xD and also the msp grim reaper!!! she had to put so much effort try to get things to work just to get that name

Okay well anyways  thats it for  this blog xD and remember you can only get hacked if you have a super simple password or you gave it out to someone! see you later :)